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Area promotion system – 5 research plans and general team

Aiming at elucidating the origin of chemical diversity in the star- and planet-forming regions and the material origin of the solar system, we believe that the key to achieving this goal lies in understanding the elementary processes of chemistry. In order to achieve this goal, we have organized the following five research projects that span astronomy, earth and planetary science, and molecular science, and young researchers who are leaders in their respective fields will take on the challenge of this research project.


Chemical evolution in formation sites of planetary systems probed by high-sensitivity and high-resolution observations

A02 Analysis team

Elucidation of the chemical environment during the formation of the solar system

A03 Theory group

A Model of Molecular Evolution at Intermediate Temperatures Based on Elementary Reactive Processes in the Gas and Solid Phases

Experimental study of gas-phase chemical reactions by advanced beam technologies

A05 Surface Experiment Group

Single-molecule level elucidation of elementary reaction processes on dust surfaces using single-molecule surface spectroscopy

General team

In order to make the group a place for the creation of the "next generation astrochemistry," the members of the group will step in and promote discussions across research topics, as well as promote the management of the entire field by organizing plenary sessions, workshops, and international symposiums, promoting joint research, and supporting young researchers, as described below.

  • Coordination and intra-regional exchange by the general group meeting

  • Support for holding plenary sessions and workshops for each planned research

  • Organizing summer school

  • Development of existing international collaborations and establishment of new onesFull-scale international exchange for young researchers

  • Organizing international symposia and workshops


坂井 南美
Nami Sakai


Group Leader and scientific policy discussion (observation)

橘 省吾
Shogo Tachibana

University of Tokyo

Secretariat, Public Relations and Science Policy Discussion (Solar System Primordial Material)

相川 祐理
Yuri Aikawa

University of Tokyo

Science Policy Discussion (Theory)

中野 祐司
Yuji Nakano

Rikkyo University

Science Policy Discussion (Gas Phase Reaction)

今田 裕
Hiroshi Imada


Science Policy Discussion (Surface Reaction)

渡部 直樹
Naoki Watanabe

Hokkaido University

[Research Collaborator] Field collaboration

山本 智
Satoshi Yamamoto

University of Tokyo

[Research Collaborator] Science Policy Discussion

高柳 敏幸
Toshiyuki Takayanagi

Saitama University

[Research Collaborator] Science Policy Discussion

田沼 肇
Hajime Tanuma

Tokyo Metropolitan University

[Research Collaborator] Science Policy Discussion

金 有朱
Yousoo Kim

University of Tokyo

[Research Collaborator] Science Policy Discussion

香内 晃
Akira Kouchi

Hokkaido University

[Research Collaborator] Science Policy Discussion

Next Generation Astrochemistry Secretariat

(                                      )

7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033

The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science, Organization for Planetary and Space Science (UTOPS)


© KAKENHI, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) Next Generation Astrochemistry

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